
FUI Tool Kit v1

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FUI Tool Kit v1

7 ratings

**If you purchased either v0.1 or v0.2 and have not received an email with your FREE upgrade please contact me**

Visit http://nawazalamgir.com/fuitoolkit/ for More Info

A collection of presets that I have developed over 4 years and use on my own Motion design projects.

The Tool kit can help you build, design and animate futuristic user interfaces inside After Effects.

I have used these Presets on projects such as FIFA 22 Trailer and on movies including No Time To Die, Venom, Spiderman, Jurrasic World 3 and many others From Fifa 22 Reveal Trailer -  used several presets

From Fifa 22 Reveal Trailer - Used Text Animtaors

From Fifa 22 Reveal Trailer -  used several presets

Inside the pack, you will find just over 200 presets in different categories.

There are things like - easy to use and editable animating graphs, futuristic circles, block elements for data visualization, professional-looking text blocks and animation presets for text layers. Need some UI text fluff? No worries, just use some ready-made UI looking random text with a click. Got text and need to create some random UI animation? I got you covered with one click.

Most of these simple to use assets, have their own single effect controller which allows you to customise the look of a UI element to suit the design of your user interface with just a few clicks AND Each asset in the tool kit is made from just a single shape or text layer

01. UI Tools

A core set of tools, create fully customisable UI windows and boxes complete with control over multiple properties that allow you to create 100s of different combinations of designed windows. 


02. Graphs

Add different styles of graphs to your projects with ease with a range of customisable options to control the appearance and animation.


03 . Blocks

Instantly add complex block animations that can be used visually represent data 



04. Circles

Nearly 40 different circular based UI elements, graphs and widgets that instantly add a level of complexly to your designs. Great giving your projects that futuristic vibe


05. Shapes

Targets, tracking markers and other techy looking shapes

06. Effects Elements

Cool looking visuals created using a combination of AE effects like fractal noise  

07. Widgets

A couple of widgets like an advanced world map made from a single shape later with the ability to highlight selected countries.

08. Text Animations

Bring your text to life with Over 70 different complex text animations that work on any text in AE with a single click. Animate in text, change visual appearances, randomise numbers, add movement and so much more.

Dummy Data 

Dummy Data 

09. Dummy Data

Add blocks of premade predominantly static and some animated stylised text, data blocks, number blocks, code and terminal style data sets. The default typeface is Purista.  

10. Tools

A couple of simple tools - like adding blinking effects to layers and effect to add a box to text.

Check out the Tutorial for v0.2 and guide here -


For After Effects 2020+

Complete list of each preset

Complete list of each preset


+---01. UI Tools

| UI - Box Maker v1 (Pe)

| UI - Line Maker v1 (Pe)

| UI - Window Maker v1 (Pe)


+---02. Graphs

| UI - Animated Bars (Pe)

| UI - Animated Bars on Lines v0.2 (Pe)

| UI - Animated Flashing Grid (Pe)

| UI - Bar Graph C v1.0

| UI - Bar Graph Specturm B (Pe)

| UI - Bar Graph Specturm C (Pe)

| UI - Bar Graph v1.0

| UI - Horizontal Bars Animation (Pe)

| UI - Quick Animated Bar Graph X

| UI - Quick Animated Bar Graph Y

| UI - Single Block Bar Graph (Pe)

| UI - Super Quick Text Bar Graph (Pe)


+---03 .Blocks

| UI - 4 Sqaure Element

| UI - Animated Block Grid v1

| UI - Animated Seeded Text Block Element (Pe)

| UI - Animated Text Squares v1 (Pe)

| UI - Block Bars

| UI - Dot Grid Maker A v1

| UI - Grid Flow Element (Pe)

| UI - Highlighted Bars (Pe)

| UI - Massive Text Data Block (Pe)

| UI - Pattern Analysis Widget

| UI - Tech Sqaures Grid (Pe)


+---04. Circles

| UI - Animate IN Circle A

| UI - Animated 4 Dots Element

| UI - Animated Circle Dot Graph (Pe)

| UI - Animated Circle Element (Pe)

| UI - Animated Circle Graph (Seeded) (Pe)

| UI - Animated Circle Line Widget (Pe)

| UI - Animated Clean Circle Element (Seeded) (Pe)

| UI - Animated Dot Graph

| UI - Animated Half Circle Graph (Seeded)

| UI - Animated Rotating Circle Graph (Seeded) (Pe)

| UI - Animated Text Dot and Circles

| UI - Big Text Dot Widget

| UI - Circle Animation B (Seeded)

| UI - Circle Animation C (Seeded)

| UI - Circle Animation D (Seeded)

| UI - Circle Animation E (Seeded)

| UI - Circle Bar Graph (Pe)

| UI - Circle Data Unique Seed A

| UI - Circle Data Unique Seed B

| UI - Circle Element A 20sec loop

| UI - Circle Element A

| UI - Circle Element B 20sec loop

| UI - Circle Element C 20sec loop

| UI - Circle Element D

| UI - Circle Element E

| UI - Circle Element F

| UI - Circle Element G

| UI - Circle Fluff Widget B

| UI - Circle Fluff Widget

| UI - Circle HUD A

| UI - Circle HUD B

| UI - Circle Space Widget

| UI - Seed Circle Glphy

| UI - Single Dot

| UI - Small fluff circle 4 dot

| UI - Small Fluff Circle text widget

| UI - Small fluff Circle widget

| UI - Widget Element A

| UI - Widget Element B


+---05. Shapes

| UI - Arrow

| UI - Circle Pointer

| UI - circle target A

| UI - circle target B

| UI - circle target C

| UI - circle tracker A

| UI - Down Arrow

| UI - Icon - Animate IN Square Target A

| UI - Icon - Animate IN Square Target B

| UI - Icon - Animate IN Square Target C

| UI - Square tracker A

| UI - Square tracker B

| UI - Square tracker C

| UI - Square tracker D

| UI - Square tracker E

| UI - Square tracker F

| UI - Square tracker G

| UI Target A

| UI Target B

| UI Target C


+---06. Effects Elements

| UI - Animated Fractal Bars

| UI - Animated Fractal Block

| UI - Digital BG

| UI - Digital Blocks

| UI - Fractal Scanning Boxes

| UI - Fractal Scanning Dots B

| UI - Fractal Scanning Dots

| UI - Glitch texture animated

| UI - Glitch texture


+---07. Widgets

| Advanced World Map (Heavy)

| UI - Advanced Square HUD Element

| UI - Animated Advanced Circle Widget

| UI - Dial Widget

| UI - Loading Dots

| UI - Radar Widget

| UI - Square Text Scanning


+---08. Text Animations

| +---Animate In

| | UI Text - Animated in-out fast Random Numbers

| | UI Text - By Line RDM Opacity Words

| | UI Text - Decode IN-OUT FAST

| | UI Text - Decode IN

| | UI Text - Decode On Steped

| | UI Text - Fade up Lines

| | UI Text - Move On Decode Sweep

| | UI Text - On Decode Move Sweep

| | UI Text - On Decode Sweep Ease

| | UI Text - On Move Sweep

| | UI Text - On Sweep Fast

| | UI Text - On then Decode

| | UI Text - Quick Code reveal

| | UI Text - Random Line fade on

| | UI Text - Step Line by Line

| | UI Text - Word Decode Move Sweep

| |

| +---Characters

| | UI Text - Animate 50% of Numbers every second

| | UI Text - Animate Characters with Speed Control

| | UI Text - Animate Number Tool (Pe)

| | UI Text - Animate Random Characters

| | UI Text - Animated Number Seed 1

| | UI Text - Animated number wiggle, range wiggle

| | UI Text - Animated Numbers A

| | UI Text - Animated Numbers Seeded Wiggle(Pe)

| | UI Text - Animated Random Letters Seed (Pe)

| | UI Text - Animated Random Numbers Fast

| | UI Text - Animated Random Numbers Per Sec

| | UI Text - Randomise Numbers

| | UI Text - Randomise single digits 20 sec loop

| |

| +---New

| | | UI Text - 10 frame Sweep once

| | | UI Text - Animate on Redacted Text Flicker Off

| | | UI Text - Animate on Redacted Text

| | | UI Text - Animate Text Layer Value (Pe)

| | | UI Text - Dash Decode

| | | UI Text - Dash On B

| | | UI Text - Dash On flicker off

| | | UI Text - Fluff Animation A

| | | UI Text - Glitch Block On double dash

| | | UI Text - Glitch Block On

| | | UI Text - Hacker text Scroll 2021

| | | UI Text - Hacker text

| | | UI Text - Loading Dots Looping

| | | UI Text - on animated numbers flicker off

| | | UI Text - Redraw Text

| | | UI Text - Simple Type Cursor

| | | UI Text - Split Cols Text

| | |

| | \---Text Flows

| | UI Text - Text Flow KR Faster

| | UI Text - Text Flow KR PingPong

| | UI Text - Text Flow KR

| | UI Text - Text Flow Left to Right 10opacity Pingpong

| | UI Text - Text Flow Left to Right 10opacity

| | UI Text - Text Flow Left to Right B

| | UI Text - Text Flow Out In Loop

| | UI Text - Text Flow Out In

| |

| \---Visual Change

| UI Code - Syntax Highlight Word

| UI Code - Syntax Highlight X or more

| UI Text - Animated Colored Text Line Scaning

| UI Text - Animated Random Color Lines (Pe)

| UI Text - Animated Random Color Words (Pe)

| UI Text - Animated Random Colour Characters

| UI Text - Animated Random Line Opacity

| UI Text - Animated Random WORD Opacity

| UI Text - Animated RDM Color and Opacity

| UI Text - Animated Text Sliding Analysis

| UI Text - Change Every other Line Color

| UI Text - Fixed Random WORD Opacity Seed

| UI Text - Hidden Lines

| UI Text - Instant Color Words

| Ui Text - Random Delete Quater of Words

| UI Text - Random Line Blink


+---09. Dummy Data

| +---Animate IN Fluff

| | UI Text - Animate IN Fluff A

| | UI Text - Animate IN Numbers Fluff A

| | UI Text - Animate IN Numbers Fluff B

| |

| +---CodeTerminal

| | UI - Code Terminal A

| | UI - Code Terminal B

| | UI - Code Terminal C

| | UI - Code Terminal D

| | UI - Code Terminal E

| | UI - Code Terminal F

| | UI - Code Terminal G

| | UI - Code Terminal H

| | UI - Code Terminal I

| |

| +---DataBlocks

| | UI Number Block A

| | UI Number Block B

| | UI Number Block C

| | UI Text Block A - Animated Scroll Up

| | UI Text Block A 8x20

| | UI Text Block B 21x7

| | UI Text Block C

| | UI Text Block D 4x100

| | UI Text Block E

| | UI Text Block F

| | UI Text Block G

| | UI Text Block Type On

| |

| \---Scroll

| Instant UI Text Pro text code

| Instant UI Text Scroll Up

| Instant UI Text Source code text


\---10. Tools

UI - Text Boxer v1.0

UI Tool - Index Repeater

UI Tool - 1 Second Blink

UI Tool - Pulse Blink A

UI Tool - Pulse Blink B

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